Free Native Plant Landscaping Course:
Do it for the Birds and the Bee’s,
The long-awaited Spring 2023 Native Plant Landscaping course is here! The course will be held over three weeks beginning in mid-April, and will consist of three webinars and one field trip. The course will cover planning and designing your backyard landscape to be beneficial to all.
Since our landscaping choices have direct impacts on our natural world, native landscapes can be used to help restore ecosystems. Using native trees and shrubs in your landscape will help to create habitat, enhance biodiversity, conserve water, build soil and much more. The numerous benefits of natural landscaping will be explored during the course, while you design and plan landscaping for your own yard.
Native birds and pollinators need native plants and the insects that have co-evolved with them. Most landscaping plants available in nurseries are exotic species from other countries. Many are poor food sources for native birds and pollinators. By choosing to plant more native plants you can help provide refuge and food sources for our native birds and pollinators.
In the Native Plant Landscaping Course, you will learn how to evaluate the unique site conditions for your properties, develop landscape plans, and identify native plants appropriate for your site conditions. You will also learn some planting and maintenance techniques as well as learn about common pests and invasive weeds.
Course schedule:
Wednesday, April 19, 1:00-3:00pm - WEBINAR: Native Plant Landscaping Design and Benefits
Friday April 21, 1:00-3:00pm - FIELD TRIP: Peninsula College, ADA Accessible, Native plant ID and descriptions
Wednesday, April 26, 1:00-3:00pm - WEBINAR: Right Plant for the Right Place
Friday, April 28, 1:00-3:00pm - FIELD TRIP: Sequim, Dungeness Recreation Area bluff trail.
Wednesday, May 3, 1:00-3:00pm - WEBINAR: Planting techniques, common pests and invasive weeds
Please sign up for only one field trip. Click to be linked to REGISTRATION.