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Our Changing Landscapes

Learning our Landscape

Presented by the Jamestown S'Klallam Library & North Olympic Historical Society

Our Changing Landscapes

With Robert Knapp, Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe

 Environmental Planning Program Manager

Thurs., May 11

3 p.m. online

Since the formation of planet earth (earth, land: sčtə́ŋxʷən) the surface of the planet has changed more times and ways than we can know. Geologic processes and life itself can change the makeup of the atmosphere and the landscapes. Changes in the atmosphere, whether species driven or not, can change the climate of the planet.

Are humans a keystone species, which is sometimes defined as having a disproportionately large effect on its natural environment? We have certainly modified the landscape from traditional burning practices that maintain prairies or support traditional foods and fibers, to urbanization, consumption of fossil energy, to ecosystem restoration.

Robert will discuss why the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe has recently launched a climate and energy initiative, why the Tribe has a shellfish nursery in Kona, HI, and loosely tie together observations, musings, and questions about our changing climate and landscape including recent restoration work completed on nəxʷŋiyaʔa̕wəɬč, the Dungeness River.

Join through Library website at


Meeting ID: 876 9827 5538 Passcode: 745304

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