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Hurricane Ridge Ski Club Outdoor Gear Swap

Get rid of your old sporting gear and buy something "new to you" at the Outdoor Gear Swap Saturday, November 12 from noon until 2 pm. The event will be held in the white tent at 101 E Railroad Avenue in downtown Port Angeles. Drop your gear off in the evenings leading up to the event; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 5 to 6 pm or the Saturday morning before the event from 10 am - 11 am. You can pick up your unsold gear after 3pm. Proceeds from this event support the Hurricane Ridge Ski Team and the Surfrider Foundation.
Don't miss out on first tracks. Purchase your Ridge pass at the swap. Already purchased your pass online? Come to the swap with your receipt and we'll make your pass. If you can't make November 12th, we will be at Mervin Manufacturing Thursday, October 27th from 2 pm - 6 pm selling and making passes.
Be sure to come to the event with an appetite because Fogtown Coffee will be there with delicious hot beverages and scrumptious baked items to satisfy your breakfast needs. More info here:

November 12

Coho Salmon Monitoring - WA Department of Fish and Wildlife

November 13

Kah Tai Work Party - Admiralty Audubon Society