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Backyard Birding: Gulls & Shorebirds

Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society

Backyard Birding

Gulls & Shorebirds

Sat., May 6

10 a.m. - noon

with Bob Boekelheide

Bob will explain his frequently repeated mantra: “There is no species named Seagull.”

Enjoy a program richly illustrated with regional photographs and learn how to identify over a dozen species of gulls and gull-like birds—and the multitude of their shorebird associates—that either make the Olympic Peninsula their home, or that visit us in their migration, or that breed here.

Your questions and comments are welcome!

After the class, Bob will lead a short field trip to a local shoreline.

Admission is free. However, a $5.00 donation helps support OPAS education and bird conservation programs. For more information click here

May 4

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